Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Teddy Bear Introduction

Hello readers,

I'm new to Teddy Bear Adventures and I received an email explaining to me what our Teddy Bears mean to us. I would like to know, where would I find a Teddy template that I can use? I'm going to be taking a Teddy with me when I travel overseas next month but first I need to make one! Any help would be appreciated.

When I was younger, my Teddy's were my bed occupants. They kept the bad dreams away, they talked to me and they played games with me. Now that I'm older, my Teddy's are my pathway back to my childhood. Although they no longer sleep on my bed, they have a seat in my room next to my window. They watch over me (still) and sometimes we still have conversations. They do join me in bed when I'm feeling particulary sad, angry or upset. If my Teddy's chose to spoke to you, you may have to ask very nicely, I'm sure they'd be able to tell you things about me I don't even know. For now they're my silent guardian angels and best friends. Teddy Bear's have many adventures and now I'm going to spend my time trying to find out just what they get up to.

Encouraged to be written by Clear Vision Enterprises Contact info: cve4me.com cve4me@gmail.com @twitter/cve4mejournal Facebook : cve4me

1 comment:

  1. Love this insight. I'm still trying to catch my Teddy Bears in what they are up to. They are quick though.
